Abstract How does engagement with markets affect socioeconomic values and political preferences? A long line of thinkers has debated the nature and direction of such effects, but claims are difficult to assess empirically because market engagement is endogenous.
AbstractThe UK Biobank is a large-scale health resource comprising genetic, environmental, and medical information on approximately 500,000 volunteer participants in the United Kingdom, recruited at ages 40?
ABSTRACTWhile scholarly attention has been devoted to social media?s potential mobilizing function, they may also contribute to demobilization discourses: social communication actively promoting nonvoting.
ABSTRACTPolitical polarization on the digital sphere poses a real challenge to many democracies around the world. Although the issue has received some scholarly attention, there is a need to improve the conceptual precision in the increasingly blurry debate.
Remote sensing of night light emissions in the visible band offers a unique opportunity to directly observe human activity from space. This has allowed a host of applications including mapping urban areas, estimating population and GDP, monitoring disasters and conflicts.
Asaf Nissenbaum and Limor Shifman. 2020. “Laughing alone, together: local user-generated satirical responses to a global event.” Information, Communication & Society, Pp. 1-18.
Amit Tubi. 2020. “Recurring droughts or social shifts? Exploring drivers of large-scale transformations in a transformed country.” Global Environmental Change, 65.
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