Are there positive effects of having a sibling with special needs? Empathy and prosociality of twins of children with non-typical development


Yonat Rum, Genzer, Shir , Markovitch, Noam , Jenkins, Jennifer , Perry, Anat , and Knafo-Noam, Ariel . Submitted. “Are There Positive Effects Of Having A Sibling With Special Needs? Empathy And Prosociality Of Twins Of Children With Non-Typical Development”. Child Development, n/a.


Abstract This study examined whether typically developing (TD) twins of non-TD children demonstrate enhanced empathy and prosociality. Of 778 Hebrew-speaking Israeli families who participated in a twin study, 63 were identified to have a non-TD child with a TD twin, and 404 as having both twins TD. TD twins of non-TD children (27% males) were compared to the rest of the cohort of TD children (46% males) on measures of empathy and prosociality. Participants were 11 years old. TD twins of non-TD children scored significantly higher than TD twins of TD children in a measure of cognitive empathy (d = .43). No differences were found in emotional empathy and prosociality. The specificity of the positive effect on cognitive empathy is discussed.