Prizes Prior after 2010
Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Department of Political Science, Emet Prize, 2013
Prof. Yoram Bilu, Department of Psychology and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Israel Prize, 2013
Prof. Shlomo Bentin z"l, Department of Psychology, Israel Prize, 2011
Prof. Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Department of Psychology, Emet Prize, 2011
Prof. Naomi Chazan, Department of Political Science, Honorary Doctorate from Ben Gurion of the Negev, 2016
Prof. Erik Cohen, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, UNWTO Award for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism, 2012
Prof. Avner de Shalit, Department of Political Science, Rothschild Prize, 2014
Prof. Eran Feitelson, Department of Geography, Yekir Hatichnun, highest award of the Israeli Planners Association, 2015
Prof. Itzhak Gal-Nur, Department of Political Science, Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of Israel Studies (AIS), 2015
Prof. Itzhak Gal-Nur, Department of Political Science, Lifetime Achievement Award of the Israel Political Science Association, 2016
Prof. Dan Hoofien, Department of Psychology, Distinguished Career Award from the International Neuropsychological Society, 2014
Prof. Ruth Kark, Department of Geography, Yakirat Yerushalyim (Distinguished Citizen of Jerusalem), 2013
Prof. Ruth Kark, Department of Geography, Herzl Award, Herzlia Municipality, 2014
Prof. Ruth Kark, Department of Geography, Distinguished Scholar Award, The Israeli Association of Geographers, 2016
Prof. Orit Keidar, Department of Political Science, Ben-Porath prize, 2011
Prof. Ariel Knafo-Noam, Department of Psychology, Bruno Memorial Award, 2015
Prof. Rehav (Buni) Rubin, Department of Geography, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi Prize, 2016
Prof. Shalom Schwartz, Department of Psychology, Distinguished Career Award from the American Sociology Association, 2014
Prof. Gabriel Shaefer, Department of Political Science, Lifetime Achievement Award, The Association of Civil and Military Studies in Israel, 2013
Prof. Gabriel Shaefer, Department of Political Science, Israel Political Science Association Award, 2015
Prof. Limor Shifman, Department of Communication and Journalism, Bruno Memorial Award, 2016
Prof. Eytan Sheshinski, Department of Economics, The Movement for Quality Government in Israel, 2011
Prof. Maya Tamir, Department of Psychology, Ben-Porath prize, 2014
Prof. Menahem Yaari, Department of Economics, Emet Prize, 2012
Prizes until 2010
Prof. David Amiran z"l, Department of Geography, Israel Prize, 1977
Prof. Yisrael (Robert) Aumann, Department of Economics, Israel Prize, 1994
Prof. Yisrael (Robert) Aumann, Department of Economics, Emet Prize, 2002
Prof. Yisrael (Robert) Aumann, Department of Economics, Nobel Memorial Prize, 2005
Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Department of Political Science, Israel Prize, 1996
Prof. Roberto Baki, Department of Statistics, Rothschild Prize, 1977
Prof. Roberto Baki, Department of Statistics, Israel Prize, 1982
Prof. Yehoshua Ben-Arieh, Department of Geography, Israel Prize, 1999
Prof. Michael Bruno, Department of Economics, Rothschild Prize, 1973
Prof. Michael Bruno, Department of Economics, Israel Prize, 1994
Prof. Yehezkel Dror, Department of Political Science, Israel Prize, 2005
Prof. Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt z"l, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Rothschild Prize, 1969
Prof. Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt z"l, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Israel Prize, 1973
Prof. Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt z"l, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Emet Prize, 2005
Prof. Louis Eliyahu Guttman, Department of Psychology, Rothschild Prize, 1962
Prof. Louis Eliyahu Guttman, Department of Psychology, Israel Prize, 1978
Prof. Yehoshafat Harkabi z"l, Department of International Relations, Israel Prize, 1993
Prof. Sergiu Hart, Department of Economics, Rothschild Prize, 1998
Prof. Elihu Katz, Department of Communication and Journalism, Israel Prize, 1989
Prof. Moshe Lisk, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Israel Prize, 1992
Prof. Nissan Liviatan z"l, Department of Economics, Rothschild Prize, 1990
Prof. Nissan Liviatan z"l, Department of Economics, Israel Prize, 2007
Prof. Dov Nir z"l, Department of Geography, Israel Prize, 1995
Prof. Dan Patinkin z"l, Department of Economics, Rothschild Prize, 1959
Prof. Dan Patinkin z"l, Department of Economics, Israel Prize, 1970
Prof. Ester Samuel-Cahn z"l, Department of Statistics, Israel Prize, 2004
Prof. Shalom Schwartz, Department of Psychology, Israel Prize, 2007
Prof. Arie Shahar z"l, Department of Geography, Israel Prize, 1999
Prof. Judith Shuval, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Israel Prize, 1965
Prof. Zeev Sternhell, Department of Political Science, Israel Prize, 2008
Prof. Menahem Yaari, Department of Economics, Israel Prize, 1988
Prof. Menahem Yaari, Department of Economics, Rothschild Prize, 1994